The Green Party faces the major threats of our time - the climate crisis, economic instability, increasing militarism and a growing gap between rich and poor with clear-eyed realism. It offers practical solutions - down-to-earth policies. We want to engage Canadians in the positive changes essential to providing a livable world to our children.
We are part of the larger Green Party of Canada and Green Party of Ontario. For information on the Green Party of Canada, please visit and for information on the Green Party of Ontario, please visit
The 2022 Provincial election is our last chance to tell politicians that the Climate Crisis is priority Number 1 for Ontario residents. All the other issues don’t matter if we’re busy putting out fires, bailing out floodwaters from our homes or clearing out debris from tornadoes. Four years from now will be too late to implement any kind of government policies as the effects of the rapidly changing climate of our planet will overwhelm us.
The time to tell our government is now with your vote. The only party that has a credible, thoughtful platform to guide us through these turbulent times and transition us towards a green low-carbon economy is the Green Party of Ontario.
For the sake of your children, grand-children, and even yourself, it is time to vote Green regardless of how you’ve voted before. It is time to vote for the polar bears, monarch butterflies, and our lakes and forests. It is time to vote for those who cannot vote. You don’t want to tell them you did nothing when you had the chance to do something.